My name is Leigh, and I have been an educator and mother for most of my life. In my journey of finding, healing and reconnecting to myself, I wanted to help others to do the same. Soul Learning™ was born to help people reconnect to who they really are, and journey toward living their happiest lives, using simple strategies we can all incorporate into our daily lives.
Over time I have seen a real disconnect happening with people not valuing who they really are and trying to find external sources of fulfillment, instead of looking inside.
You are only on Earth for a moment in time, you need to make the most of every opportunity to enhance your wairua and live life for your highest good.
I wrote these resources to help other people who might be going through some of the same experiences that I have been through. I wanted to let you know that you are not alone. Life is a journey and sometimes the hardest things that happen can end up being the things that make you who you were meant to be.